
STH COM - SideSaga 6 Ep35

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Sonic The Hedgehog - Chaos on Mobius
SideSaga Six: Future Spirits

Episode 35 {1}

Previously in Future Spirits... {2}
While Fountain and Sky followed the voice she could hear into Eggman Nega's base, Silver and Kia let Sonic and Sally fight the Nega Ifrit, but they struggled... even when Knuckles arrived to help!
Fountain and Sky managed to find Eggman Nega's Prelate creator... with THREE Chaos Emeralds in it! While another Prelate Blaze emerged from it, Fountain used one of the Emeralds to bring out Black Soil, a Black Arm who everyone was led to believe died centuries ago! While Black Soil fought Prelate Blaze, Sky used another Chaos Emerald to release Tails, which helped them destroy the Blaze Prelate!
However, even when five of the seven Warriors of Chaos were united, they couldn't stand up to the massive Nega Ifrit, which resulted in Eggman Nega seperating the team and sending them across Mobius in different directions!
What happened to our heroes? Who was that voice that only Kia could hear? Why did the Ifrit start breathing that strange-looking fire after Eggman Nega talked with him? Find out as Future Spirits continues!

Chapter Six: Seperated at Reunion (Part One - Gathering the Girls)

"Kia... Kia, can you hear me?" Asked a voice unknown to the light-grey cat, who seemed to still be asleep... {3}
"(Wha? That voice again?)" She thought before she opened her eyes... and saw Fountain looking over her in fear.
"Kia! Thank Tikhaos you're safe!" She said as she hugged the cat, who seemed confused.
"Where are we?" Kia asked as she looked around to see black clouds and a volcano not too far away. "And where are the boys?"
"I think this is that Flame Core that Silver was telling us about... as for where they are, I don't know..." [*1] That was when Kia remember what had happened...
"Eggman Nega... he must've seperated us..." Just then, a purple glow came from the cliff below the girls. When they looked down, they both saw the glow, but only Kia heard someone calling out to her...
"Kia..." The voice said. "Follow the glow into the volcano... that is where the two of us can unite against the evil on that remains on Mobius..." Sure enough, the purple glow seemed to be heading towards the volcano...
"C'mon, Fountain." Said Kia, getting ready to jump off the cliff. "We're headed for that volcano."
"What?!" Fountain asked in shock. "FYI, my fur's water-proof, not lava-proof!"
"I know, but... I just have this feeling that we should go in there... didn't you feel way that when you ran into Eggman Nega's base?" Fountain gasped in realization, as she did experience a similar experience recently... {4}
"All right, let's do it." Fountain announced before she and Kia jumped down the cliff, and started following the purple glow...

As the girls got closer to the volcano, the lava surrounding them started acting strangely... it was creating small whirlpools one minute, then it assumed a form that resembled a monster the next.
"Are-are you seeing this, Kia?" Asked a frightened Fountain, who seemed terrified of the lava flow. Kia on the other hand was concentrating on the voice she could hear and the glow she could see...
"It's alright, Fountain." She told the hedgehog. "I'm pretty sure it's just all in our heads..."
"Hardly, Warrior Host!" Bellowed a group of demonic voices from what seemed like all around the girls. Mere seconds later, about five firey vapour-like beings emerged from the lava, terrifying Fountain before Kia attempted to block them from the hedgehog.
"Who are you?" She bravely asked, but she got laughter in response.
"We are what remains of the TRUE Iblis..." The voices replied, confusing both Kia and Fountain. "After the Knight of Kronos eliminated our true self, we were expelled from the pretender, and were forced to reside within the fires of Flame Core..."
"Bu-but that doesn't make sense..." Said Fountain, who managed to get to her feet. "Silver told us that the girl he met was the real Iblis..."
"YOU WERE MISINFORMED, LITTLE GIRL!!" The voices bellowed, making her jump in fear. "The TRUE Iblis was responsible for the Flames of Change centuries ago. The impostor was just a parasite who wanted power..." [*2]
"(Maybe they're right...)" Fountain thought, before seeing Kia step towards the firey spirits. "(After all, Silver may have his facts wrong, too...)"
"You're wrong." She told them. "The Iblis you were part of was the Flames of Disaster that Silver fought for years. Flare was the real Iblis that Mephiles cast out in order to create a mindless monster he could control!" Hearing this, the voices merely laughed.
"You poor, naive girl..." They said to her. "But perhaps we can persuade you to accept the truth..." But that's when Kia heard the voice from earlier calling her again.
"Don't listen to them, Kia..." It told her. "You're right. The Iblis they're referring to is the monster you were informed of."
"(I don't know who you are, but I hope you can get rid of these voices when we find you!)" Kia thought as she grabbed Fountain and ran towards the volcano, but the voices -aswell as the firey spirits- followed them...
"Yes, Kia..." The voice replied in a kind, caring tone. "Find me... find my Chaos Emerald... and I shall help you rid the Flame Core of these posers..."

Once Kia and Fountain made it into the volcano, they were shocked to see more of the firey spirits within... not to mention the few from outside that followed them in.
"Did you honestly think we would leave what you seek unguarded?" Asked the demonic voices. This resulted in Kia manipulating one of the firey spirits to collide with another. This however, made them all laugh. "So... it seems that you still refuse to believe the truth..." It was at this moment that the firey spirits started to slowly creep up to Fountain from behind... "Maybe your friend can help us convince you..." Just then, Fountain looked behind her to see all of the firey spirits close to her... and just as she screamed, the spirits all flew into her mouth! {5}
"Fountain!" Cried Kia, just before Fountain's head lowered so Kia couldn't see her eyes. "Fountain... are you OK?"
"They're telling the truth, Kia..." She told the cat in a slightly distorted voice before raising her face, revealing her eyes to be filled with fire, aswell as the evil grin on her face, startling Kia in the process... "*sigh* Of course... it all makes sense to me now... the remnants of the true Iblis now reside within me... and I plan to help them convince Mobius that their path is the right path!"
"No..." Kia replied. "Those things are just manipulating you, Fountain. Don't you remember what Silver told us?"
"Of course I remember... I remember not believing a word he said, because he willingly allied himself with the parasite you call Flare... and since you don't believe them like I do... I have no choice but to eliminate you!" Just as Fountain finished her speech, she revealed her Chaos Emerald, making Kia gasp. "Chaos... FUSION!!"

After the glow from Fountain's Chaos Emerald vanished, Black Soil was standing in her place... but she looked like she was attempting to stand still...
"Kia... find that Chaos Emerald..." She told the cat, who seemed confused. "Those spirits may have manipulated Fountain... but they cannot penetrate my mind! However... Fountain's in control right now... and I don't know how long I can hold her back!"
"Listen to her, Kia..." Said the voice that guided the cat. "You're not too far from where I am now... if you hurry, you can unite the two of us and save your friend..." Once Kia nodded, she ran deeper into the volcano... but that was when Black Soil lost control of her own powers... {6}

As Kia ran deeper into the volcano, Fountain was making Black Soil fly after the cat, and throwing Chaos Spears at her. Realising that the Chaos Spears kept missing Kia, Fountain returned to her natural form, before she let out a scream that released some of the firey spirits from her body, which closed in on Kia!
"Join us... just as your friend has..." Bellowed the demonic voices, which now came from Fountain's mouth. But before the firey spirits got a chance to possess Kia, she used her pyrokinetic abilities to deflect the flames, which flew back into Fountain's body. "You can deny us all you want... but eventually, you will let your guard down... and our flames shall flow throughout your body... just as we are with Fountain!"
"Flare was the real Iblis... Tikhaos is my one and only goddess..." Kia kept telling herself as she closed in on the purple glow.

Eventually, Kia arrived in a chamber where the purple Chaos Emerald lied in wait. Without thinking, she grabbed the Chaos Emerald, which emitted a force field that deflected the flame spirits from claiming Kia... {7}
"Now, Kia!" Shouted the voice.
"Chaos... FUSION!!" Kia yelled, as the Chaos Emerald started glowing purple again, leaving Fountain to stare at the glow in anger. When the glow faded, standing in Kia's place was a purple cat who had the Chaos Emerald placed in her forehead. She was wearing a darker purple coat with white skin-tight pants and pink-with-white-striped heels, but also had Kia's white bands around her wrists, aswell as Kia's red marks on the sides of her face. {8}

"Thank you, Kia." Said the purple cat. "And now I can use my fire powers to free your friend..." Once she raised her hands towards Fountain, the hedgehog started holding her stomach in pain. Eventually, she started screaming along with the demonic voices as the firey spirits were expelled from her body.
"YOU..." The demonic voices said in anger when the firey spirits spotted the purple cat. "YOU ARE THE PARASITE THAT LED TO IBLIS' DOWNFALL!!"
"No." The cat replied. "I am Princess Blaze the Cat. One of the six Warriors of Chaos. And I will not allow you to harm the friend of my host anymore!" Hearing this, the voices merely laughed before the flames started coming together and dove into the magma below... when lava came sproutng up like a geyser, it soon assumed the shape of a large worm-like monster! [*3] {9}
"We may not have a vessel we can feed off of anymore..." The voices said to Blaze before looking at an unconscious Fountain. "But that will not stop us from reviving the Flames of Change!"
"We'll see about that..." Blaze replied as she got ready to fight...

The worm-like monster started the battle by spitting a barrage of balls of molten rock at Blaze, but she used her firepowers to hit them right back at the beast, but her counterattack didn't seem to have any effect... {10}
"Fine. If I can't hurt you from a distance..." Blaze said to herself, before she leapt from the ground and started hovering above the magma with fires coming from her feet. "...I guess I'll have to resort to close-combat!" As Blaze started closing in on the worm, it dove down into the magma, startling the cat... before it leapt out of the magma and dove towards Blaze! Fortunately, Blaze flew out of the way before she could get hurt. When the worm resurfaced, Blaze twirled towards it as fire started spinning around her, creating a mini-tornado. While Blaze did manage to give the worm some damage, it collided against the wall behind it, causing spikes from the ceiling to fall down towards the lava, hitting Blaze in the process!

The worm spat more lava balls at Blaze, but she jumped off of the platform she was standing on just in time.
"It's time that I put out the Flames of Disaster before they burn all over Mobius again!" Blaze shouted as she curled up into a ball and blasted towards the worm, as a firey aura surrounded her, like an asteroid or a spaceship burning up in a planet's atmosphere. While the worm was starting to dive down into the magma, Blaze managed to strike at its eye, making it explode in flames before she returned to the sturdy platform with Fountain lying on it. When Blaze looked back, she noticed the flames were raising up higher and higher into the air... {11}
"This isn't over, Princess Blaze..." Said the demonic voices, making Blaze grit her teeth in anger. "You have only experienced a mild taste of my wrath... and once the seven Chaos Emeralds come together to stop my loyal pawn, not even the Warriors of Chaos will be able to stop me!" As the voices laughed, the flames phased through the edges of the volcano and left the girls alone. But that was when Blaze felt something that made her return to her Chaos Emerald, forcing Kia to reappear as Fountain woke up. {12}
"Kia... I'm sorry... those things just got the better of me..." The hedgehog girl said with regret.
"It's okay, I know it wasn't your fault..." Kia replied, still feeling confused. "Though why did Blaze suddenly disappear like that?" Suddenly, black smoke started coming from all sides of the volcano, making both girls cough like crazy before they started making their way out of the volcano.

Seconds later, four humanoid-like figures were flying in a ship near the volcano, where they spotted Kia and Fountain roll out of the top... {13}
"Mobians..." Said one of them, seemingly disgusted by the sight.
"I don't think they're awake there..." Said another human. "They look unconscious to me..."
"We'd better get 'em outta here." Said the short leader. "This place feels like it could erupt at any second!"
"Sounds good to me." Agreed the girl with pigtails, who seemed to be the same height as the leader. "Besides, they could help us in our fight..." The leader nodded as their ship was close enough to the volcano to let Kia and Fountain roll onto the ship, before the redhead girl with pigtails ran over to them. "I think they're okay..." She then looked up at the bridge with a thumbs-up, making the leader pilot the ship away from the volcano, but not before the redhead spotted an orange wave that seemed to constantly move above their airship that was floating higher and higher above the volcano. "Wow... so this is what that moon does every twenty years..." Said the girl. "I'm glad all of our stuff is based on Babylonian tech!"
"We can admire Little Planet later, Aika." Said the leader. "We've gotta get outta here before the volcano erupts!" {14}
"Okay, Vyse." Said the girl called Aika, who also shrugged in response. "Y'know, I think you're taking this leadership thing a little too far..." Hearing this, the leader known as Vyse sighed.
"(I know.)" He thought before they all were transported up to the airship via a beam of green light. "(I wish my father hadn't pushed me to be like this...)" Minutes later, the airship flew away from the volcano just before it erupted!

In Part 1 of Seperated at Reunion, Kia & Fountain travel through Flame Core to find the 6th Chaos Emerald. But they soon find out that they're being followed by haunting flames...

Enjoy, fav and comment!

SideSaga Index
First (of the main series)

{1} Quick Trip to Paradise -> Sonic Rivals
{2} Rival Select -> Sonic Rivals
{3} [Event] The Ruined World of the Future -> Sonic '06
{4} The Cauldron -> Sonic and the Black Knight
{5} [Event] Showdown With Mephiles -> Sonic '06
{6} [Boss] Mephiles -> Sonic '06
{7} Into the Dark Hollow -> Sonic and the Black Knight
{8} Sir Percival... The Knight of the Grail -> Sonic and the Black Knight
{9} Event: Eclipse Cannon -> Shadow The Hedgehog
{10} Molten Mine -> Sonic and the Black Knight
{11} Ending: Evil -> Shadow The Hedgehog
{12} Event: If What You Say is True... -> Shadow The Hedgehog
{13} Event: I Know Professor -> Shadow The Hedgehog
{14} Orders from the Illusion -> Sonic and the Black Knight
{15} Terminal Velocity - Act 2 -> Sonic Colours

[*1] While the events of The Solaris Merger never seemed to happen to everyone else in this alternate version of his time, Silver did tell his friends what he went through...
[*2] It seems that Silver isn't the only one in this timeline that can remember the events of The Solaris Merger... even though they don't have their facts straight...
[*3] Iblis Phase 2 from Sonic '06

Blaze, Iblis, Vyse, Aika and the music belong to SEGA
Kia & Fountain belong to *fire-ice-n-lightning
© 2013 - 2024 TheTodStar
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KivaTheDCWizard's avatar
I realize two things: one, you seem to have something with possession, two, I know jack about the Skies of Arcadia, only Vyse's name and that's he's a sky pirate.